OLGUIN ABOGADOS is a law firm founded in 2009 by Martha Mónica Olguín Flores, with the goal of providing specialized legal services in Immigration and Spanish Nationality.
With a clear vocation of service to the client and adaptation to their needs, it also offers specialized legal services in Civil, Family, Criminal, Labor and Commercial law, counting on the collaboration of excellent professionals, who share the same vocation for law and justice.
We provide advice based on knowledge, ethics, rigor, and responsibility, to both individuals and companies, with a multidisciplinary team of lawyers and collaborators, in unwavering commitment to their professional standards.
OLGUIN ABOGADOS is a law firm founded in 2009 by Martha Mónica Olguín Flores, with the goal of providing specialized legal services in Immigration and Spanish Nationality.
With a clear vocation of service to the client and adaptation to their needs, it also offers specialized legal services in Civil, Family, Criminal, Labor and Commercial law, counting on the collaboration of excellent professionals, who share the same vocation for law and justice.
We provide advice based on knowledge, ethics, rigor, and responsibility, to both individuals and companies, with a multidisciplinary team of lawyers and collaborators, in unwavering commitment to their professional standards.